This video above is actually better suited as a prequel to part one. A bit of a polemic on The Bigfoot/Sasquatch as popular iconic image become overexposed. Despite the naturally unnatural cryptopotency of the creature itself, its' familiar mediated form has been domesticated and rewired for commercial ends. In the parallel dimension of Casiotone, a strangely resonant scenario unfolds. Emerged in the 1980s, Casio's children's toy keyboards built with limited sonic variability, relied on preset sounds and automated rhythms. They resurged in popularity into the 1990s as provisional instruments for DIY bands, musicians who couldn't find drummers, couldn't afford 'real' keyboards. The distinctly charming casiotones like "laserbeam" and "human voice" command attention (like a cryptid rushing through the woods) no matter what the context. Today, however, these toys have become the darlings of retro and vintage marketing campaigns that exploit the cultural capital of these low-tech legends. With all due respect to the innate cryptopotency of the Bigfoot and Casiotone --- I believe that the consumer-culturalization of these entities (in popular media form) has reduced them to emblematic husks of their once truly anomalous selves. Enter blobsquatch in the expanded field Per usual, core research continues at Paranormal Mechanisms
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