Blobsquatchery in the Expanded Field
“Blobsquatch,” is a variety of bi-pedal humanoid first reported by Vito Quaranta and Ray Randell three years ago. It is my belief, however, that the Blobsquatch is linked to the electronic malfunction, glitch, accident and aberration—other known anomalies of the technocultural realms. The Blobsquatch is a welcome personification, so to speak, of these marvelous creatures and perhaps the missing link between the cryptozoological and technological. Save, of course, from the gremlin whose knack for disrupting transportation systems (physical and virtual) will not be overlooked. It is my contention that catching a Blobsquatch, or related cryptid, requires baiting the creature’s native habitat. Staged accidents, frame-levelling, kinetic engineering and cinemolecular sabotage have all been employed in the videosphere with varied levels of success. Presently, plans are being made to visit and document cryptids of the audiosphere, particularly those associated with the electronic art of circuit-bending. Like the sasquatch, the Blobsquatches and creatures of the outer infosphere are a nomadic bunch with strong ties to the Pacific Northwest. Field recordings in the company of regional anomalists, with emphasis on circuit-bending and creative mis-use of electronic devices will be tracked.
Core research continues at the Paranormal Mechanisms online thinktank, while time-based inquiries into the expanded field of blobsquatchery will be catalogued here
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It's totally wild, Carl!
So what you are putting down is there exists either in reality or in our mind's eye, akin to the gremlin, a new creature that lurks between the camera and its subject?
This creature is both playful and amorphous, and obscures real cryptozoological discovery of the nobel bigfoot or the willey chupacabra by "Hiding in plain sight", or superimposing itself between the subject and it's discovery?
This is ground breaking research, son. I eagerly await the findings of the implied phase 2
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